Types of Sod

Tifway™ Bermuda Hybrid Grass

Tifway Bermuda Riverside Sod FarmA versatile hybrid Bermuda which tolerates close mowing and is disease resistant. It spreads rapidly to provide a dense turf which is wear tolerant and heals quickly. This water conservative grass becomes dormant in the winter and may develop some thatch. Available overseeded with perennial ryegrass for winter installation jobs.

Tifgreen™ Bermuda Hybrid Sod

Tifgreen Bermuda Riverside Sod FarmA fine-textured hybrid Bermuda which creates a carpet-like appearance and tolerates close mowing heights. Tifgreen is highly resistant to common disease problems. This water conservative grass becomes dormant in the winter and may develop some thatch. Available overseeded with perennial ryegrass for winter installation jobs.

Elite Plus™ Sod

Elite Plus Riverside Sod FarmOur most popular cool-season turfgrass is a blend of improved fescue and bluegrass which has year-round dark green color. The “Plus” is that it will gradually repair minor damage over time without the need for reseeding. It has a medium leaf blade, disease resistance, partial shade tolerance and a deep root system for drought tolerance. It is easy to care for and adapts well to the varied climates and soils of the West. READ MORE

TifTuf™ Turf Grass

TifTuf Drought Tolerant Turf GrassKnown for its drought tolerance and superior winter color over other Hybrid Bermuda grasses, TifTuf™ is fine-textured, dense and recovers quickly from wear and tear. TifTuf™ is the latest, most improved variety released from Tifton, Georgia’s renowned turfgrass program. TifTuf™ will experience some cold weather dormancy and is available overseeded with perennial ryegrass during winter.

Celebration® Bermuda Grass

Celebration Bermuda Riverside Sod FarmCelebration® is an improved Bermuda grass which delivers everything a superior turfgrass should: durability, exceptional recovery, softness, and beautiful color. With deep roots and high heat tolerance, Celebration is very water conservative. This variety is the grass of choice for many high school, college and professional sports fields. Celebration Bermudagrass was featured in many stadiums at the 2016 Olympics in Rio.

Ballpark Blend Turf Grass

Ball Park Turf Riverside Sod FarmThis versatile blend of turfgrass species will adapt to a variety of uses and maintenance regimens. We start with a healthy stand of warm-season Hybrid Bermuda and overseed with a blend of cool-season Ryegrass and Kentucky Bluegrass. The Hybrid Bermuda tolerates heavy traffic and high temperatures.  Hybrid Bermuda is highly resistant to common disease problems. The Ryegrass and Kentucky Bluegrass tolerate shade and offer winter color. All three varieties in our Ballpark Mix have a fine leaf texture.